
Privacy Policy - Anil Parker

Anil Parker. privacy policy is very simple. - We do not collect your name, location or phone number. or any personal information - We do collect your device id via Admob, inmobi, adcolory a third party analytics tool. - User's device id is required in order to know how many users use any given feature. This helps us remove confusing features and make our apps more user-friendly. - To make sure Admob, inmobi, adcolory does not use your device id for any behavioral advertising of its own. - We do not use your device id (or anything, for that matter) for advertising. In fact, our app contain Minor Ads. That's right - unlike most publishers, we do serve others ads for any products or services because we are earning from those ads and because of those ads we are providing more creative app. Information Collection and Use For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that I request w

How Good Posture Makes You More Healthier

Great stance has been found to have a wide assortment of advantages for your wellbeing and in general health. It improves center body quality just as forestalling and soothe back torment and inconvenience. Back torment is the main source of inability both worldwide and in the United States, and most back agony can be somewhat or altogether avoided through postural rectification. Notwithstanding these medical advantages, there is another basic motivation to focus on your stance. Ongoing examination proposes that appropriate stance builds center and thoughtfulness regarding work errands, along these lines improving your profitability. Our body posture is one of the major things which plays a major role to create an attractive and impressive personality. How we look it completely depends on our back posture. So, we ought to take care of this on a serious mode. If anyone of your suffering from poor posture then that is not a big deal. Because the back brace for posture is the op